
The Latest with Spot and Other Ramblings..

It is Monday...sigh. Mondays are usually hard for me. Hard to get up. Hard to get motivated. Etc. I'm sure many people feel this way and it is not unusual. I had a good weekend...had a good football day yesterday, although I was routing for New Orleans to beat Chicago..but I digress.

I still have not heard anything about 'Spot'. I suppose no news is good news, but then again, my overactive, female, highly emotional mind is thinking 'my gosh, they can't figure out what this thing is on my pancreas and therefore they are baffled and while they are trying to figure out what it is, Spot is eating my pancreas alive and, and, and...'. Why yes...it is enough to drive a perfectly normal (ok..this is debatable) person, insane. Much like my students..but again, I digress...

Anyway... I hope y'all have a great week......Hugs!

1 comment:

Shawnee said...

The uncertainty is the WORST. Even bad news is preferable, at least you know what's going on & can formulate a Plan of Attack. Have you called your doctor? I've gone through similar instances, losing sleep & my mind, waiting for the dr. to call, only to break down & call her myself & find out they had the wrong # & I could have had my results days before. Grrrrr.

Thinking happy thoughts for you & Spot . . .