
Random Rantings

It is Friday..and I am glad. I am ready to get some sleep. I don't know about y'all, but when I wake up at 4:50..ish..every morning, I'm not the most pleasant of peeps. Take today for instance, alarm goes off, dogs get all excited because this means their morning romp in the backyard and then a bowl full of puppy breakfast. I go through the same thing every morning..the alarm goes off and dogs go into a frenzy. Today..it just irritated me. So I yelled at them. They looked at me like I had beaten them with a stick. Now please tell me..how is it, that dogs can just look at you and make you feel like crap?? Do they have that sort of dedutive reasoning? There is nothing worse than a sad looking basset hound early in the morning to make you feel like you just told a 4 year old that Santa isn't real.

Ranting #2...who the heck is calling me this early in the morning at work (my phone is ringing)? I hate the telephone. Hate it. I'm so not your typical girl who rants on the phone for hours..email...or a blog .. ok.. but not the phone.

Ranting #3..the spring semester begins. I'm taking a research course and doing an internship this semester. I am beginning to think I'll never finish my Ph.D. and will never be able to giggle loudly when students call me doctor. Anyway.. I don't understand why it is required for us to take 4 research courses and four statistic courses. Two .. I get..but four?? Come on...if you don't get it by the second time, then that's a strong hint that maybe graduate work isn't your forte.

Ranting #4... I work for the best airline in the world. I suppose I shouldn't say which one it is..but it is a SOUTWESTern airline. :) I can't tell you how cool it is to come in here every day and look out on the runway and watch my birds take off and land.

Ranting #5..What am I going to eat for lunch? Yes..I'm already worried about that. Sigh...how sad is that?? I am desperately trying to lose ten pounds. Lipo is starting to look better and better.

Ok..I think I'm done... for now.. bwhahahaha

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